Uncle?s Dream

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Fedir Dostoyevsky
Image Uncle?s DreamImage Uncle?s Dream
Anna Varpakhovska, Valerii Zaytsev, Viatcheslav Nikolenko Anna Varpakhovska, Valerii Zaytsev, Viatcheslav Nikolenko, Iryna Novak Nina Nizheradze, Viatcheslav Nikolenko, Lidia Yaremchuk Olexander Hetmanskiy, Valerii Zaytsev, Iryna Novak Anna Varpakhovska Anna Varpakhovska, Olexander Hetmanskiy Nina Nizheradze, Lidia Yaremchuk Olexander Hetmanskiy, Liubov Solodova Liubov Solodova, Lidia Yaremchuk Olexander Hetmanskiy, Nina Nizheradze, Lidia Yaremchuk Anna Varpakhovska, Valerii Zaytsev, Lidia Yaremchuk Valerii Zaytsev Valerii Zaytsev, Iryna Novak Viatcheslav Nikolenko, Lidia Yaremchuk Anna Varpakhovska, Valerii Zaytsev Anna Varpakhovska Anna Varpakhovska, Iryna Novak Valerii Zaytsev, Lidia Yaremchuk Anna Varpakhovska, Viatcheslav Nikolenko Viatcheslav Nikolenko, Lidia Yaremchuk Viatcheslav Nikolenko, Iryna Novak
Age limit

Tragicomedy in two acts. 
Running time: 2 hours 40 min. 

Performed in Ukrainian
Premiered on: 19 October 2008

Stage Version by G. Ziskin
Director - G. Ziskin (Canada)
Set Design - D. Borovsky 
Costume Design - O. Drobna
Composer - ?. Schnittke
Restoration of the Set  - O. Drobna

      What parents do not wish a happy destiny for their children, in a way they understand that? Even if a young girl’s admirer is 70, that okay if his wallet is tight. They could not find their own love, so they decided that love does not exist, it was blown away by poverty and lack of money. Let at least their children be rich and famous! So they begin to pester their young daughters, to praise the old men! And at the old man, at seventy, his thoughts are completely confused: he is calling to get married here, and the next day he thinks: see, dreamed about that! And they begin to confuse the evil tongues of the poor old prince, and he never really knows: it was a dream or a reality!

    Uncle’s Dream is the product of successful and fruitful cooperation between Lesya Ukrainka National Academic Theatre of Russian Drama and Varpakhovsky Theatre (Montreal, Canada) which successfully showed “Old Wives’ Summer” to Kyiv and Moscow audience.


Knyaz Gavrila K.   Valerii Zaytsev
Marya Alexandrovna Moskaleva  Anna Varpakhovska
Afanasy Matveevich Moskalev  Olexander Hetmanskiy
Zinaida Afanasevna  Iryna Novak
Pavel Alexandrovich Mozglyakov  Viatcheslav Nikolenko
Nastasya Petrovna Zyablova  Lidia Yaremchuk
Sofya Petrovna Farpukhina  Nina NizheradzeLiubov Solodova
Antipova Anna Nikolaevna  Lidia Yaremchuk
Natalya Dmitrievna Paskudina  Nina NizheradzeLiubov Solodova
Maid of a dreams  Kateryna MeleshkoAlisa Tunkevich