Ukraine In Flames

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after Oleksandr Dovzhenko
Image Ukraine In FlamesImage Ukraine In Flames
Hanna Hrinchak Serhii Detiuk, Dariia Khvostenko Maksym Avksentiev, Mariia Honcharova Oleksandr Hrekov, Dariia Khvostenko Victor  Semyrozumenko Hanna Hrinchak Viatcheslav Nikolenko Kateryna Shkola, Valeriia Saakian, Iryna Doroshevska (Buchko) Kateryna Shkola, Valeriia Saakian, Iryna Doroshevska (Buchko)
Age limit

One-act drama
Running time: 1 hour 20 min.

Performed in Ukrainian
Premiered on: 10 August 2022

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28 May, Wednesday

Produced by Evgen Khramtsov and the cast.

Dedicated to Ukraine's Independence

"It all was mired so thick in human flesh, tears, blood, screaming, howling, curses and loss that nothing surprised no one anymore. This was a new world, a new reality against the backdrop of old nature and old burned huts, covered in old dirty rags...

The people were akin to a geological stratum. A great catastrophic force has disturbed them and it wasn't at all clear whether the disturbance has ended or not. The edges were still crumbling, the great many boulders were strewn around along with dust and debris, all indications of the calamity, scented with the smell of burning and explosions.

O, time! The great wise artist! On your palette you carry not only the greyness of our hair, or our hubris, or our shortsightedness, or an occasional sign of our bravery, but something unmeasurably wider, deeper and grander, that forms in the bright future a magnificent and tragic portrait of our people" - Oleksandr Dovzhenko.


Mother  Hanna HrinchakAnna Snihur-Khramtsova
Zaporozhets  Serhii Detiuk
Fon Krauz  Viatcheslav Nikolenko
Olesya  Dariia KhvostenkoKateryna Shkola
Khrystya  Mariia Honcharova
Ludwig  Valeriy Haifulyn
Zabroda  Valerii Rozhdestvenskyi
Vasyl  Oleksandr Hrekov
Captain Palma  Maksym AvksentievMykhailo Mehed
Myna  Zakhar Kermoshchuk
Captain  Victor Semyrozumenko
Beekeeper  Volodymyr Mishukov
Girls  Dina AndriichukIryna Doroshevska (Buchko)Olha NahirniakAnastasia PiskovetsValeriia SaakianKateryna Shkola