Semyrozumenko Victor

Honored Artist of Ukraine
Victor  Semyrozumenko  актор  of Lesya Ukrainka National Academic Drama Theatre

Performances and roles:

For the Hearth
Treasure Island Captain Smollett
Stolen happiness
16.09, 29.09 
The Wave
25.09, 16.10 
Owens, Director
No. 13
The Manager
Ukraine In Flames
Holy Family
Alfonso Carucco
Captain Lancey
in the performance The Cherry Orchard in the performance The Ward of the Manor in the performance The Ward of the Manor in the performance Woman From the Past in the performance Woman From the Past in the performance Woman From the Past in the performance Woman From the Past in the performance Woman From the Past in the performance An Enemy of the People (Dr. Stockmann) in the performance Trees Die Standing in the performance Trees Die Standing in the performance Intrigue and Love in the performance The Cherry Orchard in the performance The Cherry Orchard in the performance The Cherry Orchard in the performance Holy Family in the performance Holy Family in the performance Holy Family in the performance No. 13 in the performance No. 13 in the performance No. 13 in the performance For the Hearth in the performance The Wave in the performance The Wave in the performance Neighbors in the performance Neighbors in the performance Holy Family in the performance Holy Family in the performance Translations in the performance Translations in the performance Ukraine In Flames in the performance Neighbors in the performance The Wave

In 1994 he graduated from The Kyiv State I. K. Karpenko-Kary Theatre Arts Institute.
Since February 01, 1996 he has been working in the Lesya Ukrainka Theatre.
