Performances and roles:
For the Hearth 22.11 |
Commissar |
Treasure Island 16.11, 16.11 |
Captain Smollett |
Stolen happiness 30.10, 5.11 |
Babich |
The Wave Tomorrow, 13.11 |
Owens, Director |
Stefanyk. Novels | Prots |
No. 13 | The Manager |
Ukraine In Flames 14.11, 9.12 |
Captain |
Neighbors 29.10 |
Shustek |
Holy Family 28.10, 27.11 |
Alfonso Carucco |
Translations 26.10, 23.11 |
Captain Lancey |
In 1994 he graduated from The Kyiv State I. K. Karpenko-Kary Theatre Arts Institute.
Since February 01, 1996 he has been working in the Lesya Ukrainka Theatre.