Serdiuk (Bunina) Anastasiia

Anastasiia Serdiuk (Bunina)  акторка  of Lesya Ukrainka National Academic Drama Theatre

Performances and roles:

The Laundromat
15.09, 26.09 
A View From the Bridge Beatrice
in the performance A View From the Bridge in the performance The Laundromat in the performance The Laundromat in the performance The Laundromat in the performance The Laundromat in the performance The Laundromat in the performance A View From the Bridge in the performance A View From the Bridge in the performance A View From the Bridge in the performance A View From the Bridge in the performance The Laundromat

In 1991 she graduated from The Kyiv National I. K. Karpenko-Kary Theatre, Cinema and Television University. The course of Mykola Ruzhkovskyi. 
She has been working in The Lesya Ukrainka Theatre from 1994 to 2004 and from 2022. 
