In This Sweet Old House

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Oleksiy Arbuzov
Image In This Sweet Old HouseImage In This Sweet Old House
Stanislav Moskvin Nataliia Serhiienko, Ilya Ponomarenko, Angelina  Tekucheva Anastasia Deryugina, Kateryna Doronina , Vitaliy Meterchuk, Stanislav Moskvin, Kyrylo Nikolaev, Volodymir Fetisov Anastasia Deryugina, Kateryna Doronina , Vitaliy Meterchuk, Kyrylo Nikolaev Nataliia Serhiienko, Nina Nizheradze, Ilya Ponomarenko, Angelina  Tekucheva Yuri Mazhuha, Olena Sylantieva Olena Sylantieva Dmytro Savchenko, Olena Sylantieva Olena Sylantieva Dmytro Savchenko, Olena Sylantieva Dmytro Savchenko Tetiana Nazarova Victor Aldoshyn, Nina Nizheradze Yuri Mazhuha Yuri Mazhuha, Stanislav Moskvin Tetiana Nazarova Tetiana Nazarova, Volodymir Fetisov Victor Aldoshyn, Tetiana Nazarova, Nina Nizheradze Stanislav Moskvin Olena Sylantieva
Age limit

Comedy in two acts. 
Running time: 2 hours 30 min. 

Performed in Ukrainian
Premiered on: 9 May 2016

Production – Mykhailo Reznikovych
Directors – Olga Gavrilyuk, Dmytro Morozov
Set Designer – Oleksiy Vakarchuk 
Costume Designer – Olena Drobna
Composer, Musical Arrangement – Olexander Shymko
Choreographer – Olga Goldys
Concertmasters – Vadim Askevych, Egor Gorshkov
Sound Designer - Alla Muravska
Stage Manager – Sergiy Litvin
Prompter – Lilia Pas 

   We often cannot understand that we are happy, always unsatisfied by themselves or the others, we claim that we are not loved enough, not valued, not understood... And at some moment we give away to a fleeting passion which we deem to be the real love, burn all bridges and ruin everything ever created with our own hands. And then a snap back to reality comes and we try to turn everything back, to gather the pieces of our torn life with the hope to come back and to make everything as it was before.

   That was happened to Yulia, the character of “In this Sweet Old House” created by a great playwright Oleksiy Arbuzov in the second half of the 20th century and read by Mikhailo Reznikovich together with the theatre actors in the early 21th century. That is the fourth director’s reference to the script of the world famous author.

   Between the past of Julia and her present, the abyss opened up, time dragged out deep wounds of heart, and the man left by Julia in this Past, managed to cope with the situation, and with himself, and with his pain, opened his heart to a new love.

   Returning for a long-forgotten feeling, Julia realizes that there is no way back. And although in this nice old house everything is dear to her, she is already a stranger here.

   She was late... Her train "sped away, on the joints of the ringing, the former orchestras fell silent”. Her place in her husband’s heart was taken by the other woman. And the name of this other, who gave him hope and love - Nina, is bright, reckless, almost still a girl, funny and touching. The other woman. And our character, Konstantin, melt in her, with no single chance for his ex-wife to repair their relations. Even their common children of Yulia and Husiatnikov who grew up when their parents were separated, let the father’s new love “TO BE”.

   What will Yulia do in that situation? Will her generosity, self-sacrifice, and understanding be enough? Will she be able to allow to be happy to someone whom, once without thinking, hurt, or will defend her right to family happiness and love?


Gusyatnikov Konstantin Ivanovich  Stanislav MoskvinDmytro Savchenko
Raisa Alexandrovna  Nina Nizheradze
Erast Petrovich  Victor AldoshynVyacheslav LisenbartYuri Mazhuha
Julia Nikolaevna  Tetiana Nazarova
Nina Lеonidovna   Olena Sylantieva
Frederick  Vitaliy Meterchuk
Sashenka  Anastasia DeryuginaAngelina Tekucheva
Makar  Volodymir FetisovDmytro Simonenko
Mitya Khrustikov  Kyrylo Nikolaev
Alya  Kateryna Doronina Nataliia Serhiienko