Two-act comedy
Running time: 2 hours 40 min.
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Director – Oleg Nikitin
Set Designer – Olena Korchyna
Choreographer – Olga Goldys
Costume Designer – Olena Drobna
Ancient Greek classical tragedies and comedies, times of antiquity, are almost not played now. But for the modern Greek rather sharp social comedy, written not so long ago, in the middle of the twentieth century, they took up the excitement at the Russian Drama Theater. Lesya Ukrainka! So, in October 2014, in the repertoire of the theater, the play by Greek playwright Dimitris Psafas “A liar is required!” will be presented to the audience.
Who is that liar? A regular boy with the talent to trick anyone. And, of course, he is just a godsend for the people's choice - a deputy (these figures have long and everywhere turned into comic characters), who promised the “golden mountains” to the gullible people, and after the elections he peacefully rested on the laurels of glory! Yes, a liar for him is a find, if not a single nuance, - the guy passionately fell in love with the deputy’ wife. No, this is not a social satire in the spirit of Aristophanes, and not the program “House Two”, but simply a rest for the whole family. With a handful of thoughts about the old truth, which is often forgotten, that if you lie all the time, then no one will believe you. Even if you are sincere more than ever!
The perfomance contains strobe lighting and loud noises and gunshots.
Theofilos Ferekis, deputy | Victor AldoshynMykhailo August 16.2, 30.3 |
Jenny, his wife | Natalia Dolya 16.2 Liubov Tyshchenko 30.3 |
Tudoros Paralas, a liar | Maxim NikitinVitalii OvcharovArtem Yemtsov 16.2, 30.3 |
Vrasidas, bodyguard | Vitaliy Meterchuk 16.2, 30.3 Hlib Suryaha |
Pipitsa, secretary | Iryna Doroshevska (Buchko)Olena Topol 16.2, 30.3 |
Agis, friend of the house of Perekis | Valeriy Haifulyn 16.2, 30.3 Petro Sova |
Patatias, a man of the people | Vadym Yermishyn |
Pitsa Kitsa, a dancer in a cabaret | Kateryna Meleshko 30.3 Olga Uzun 16.2 |
Friends of Pitsa Kitsa | Mariia AgapitovaDina AndriichukDarya KatashynskaDariia KhvostenkoVladyslava KorovaiiKateryna MeleshkoDariya OvcharenkoNataliia SerhiienkoKateryna ShkolaOlga Uzun |
Papioanna | Taisiya Boyko 30.3 Lyudmyla Kurmel 16.2 Nina Nizheradze |
Bodyguards | Maksym AvksentievOleksandr HrekovOleh HudykIllya IsaienkoZakhar KermoshchukOskar KostiuchenkoAndrii KovalenkoOlexander KriuchkovKyrylo NikolaevSerhii PrysiazhniukOleksandr Sokolenko |