Uzun Olga

Olga Uzun  акторка  of Lesya Ukrainka National Academic Drama Theatre

Performances and roles:

For the Hearth Girl
The Wave
School student
Treasure Island Joan Koza
AGNORIS Cassandra
Session. 13
17.09, 28.09 
A Liar is Required! Pitsa Kitsa , Friend of Pitsa Kitsa
Ladies' Tailor Rosa
Juliet and Romeo
30.09, 10.10 
Juliet, Capulet's daughter
The Wonderful Wizard Saber-toothed Tiger, Flying Monkey, Munchkin
Three Loves
Translations Maire
in the performance Juliet and Romeo in the performance Translations in the performance Translations in the performance Translations in the performance Juliet and Romeo in the performance Juliet and Romeo in the performance Juliet and Romeo in the performance AGNORIS in the performance AGNORIS in the performance AGNORIS in the performance AGNORIS in the performance AGNORIS in the performance AGNORIS in the performance AGNORIS in the performance Ladies' Tailor in the performance Three Loves in the performance Three Loves in the performance Juliet and Romeo in the performance Juliet and Romeo in the performance Juliet and Romeo in the performance Juliet and Romeo in the performance Juliet and Romeo in the performance Juliet and Romeo in the performance Juliet and Romeo in the performance Juliet and Romeo in the performance Juliet and Romeo in the performance Juliet and Romeo in the performance Juliet and Romeo in the performance Juliet and Romeo in the performance Juliet and Romeo in the performance Juliet and Romeo in the performance Ladies' Tailor

Student of The Kyiv National I. K. Karpenko-Kary Theatre, Cinema and Television University.
