Suryaha Hlib

Hlib Suryaha  актор  of Lesya Ukrainka National Academic Drama Theatre

Performances and roles:

7.05, 17.05 
Juliet and Romeo
The Wonderful Wizard Iron Lumberjack , Saber-toothed Tiger, Flying Monkey, Munchkin
Oh!.. Andersen! Fairy Tales III prince
Ladies' Tailor
A Liar is Required! Bodyguard , Vrasidas, bodyguard
No. 13 The Waiter
University of Laughs
16.05, 22.05 
CENSOR, security officer
Tomorrow, 16.07 
in the performance Ladies' Tailor in the performance Ladies' Tailor in the performance Ladies' Tailor in the performance Neighbors in the performance No. 13 in the performance No. 13 in the performance No. 13 in the performance No. 13 in the performance Tango in the performance Tango in the performance Tango in the performance Tango in the performance Tango in the performance Tango in the performance Tango in the performance Tango in the performance The Wonderful Wizard in the performance The Wonderful Wizard in the performance The Wonderful Wizard in the performance Juliet and Romeo in the performance University of Laughs in the performance University of Laughs in the performance University of Laughs in the performance University of Laughs in the performance University of Laughs in the performance University of Laughs in the performance Fausse Note in the performance Neighbors in the performance Tango

Graduated from The Kyiv National I. K. Karpenko-Kary Theatre, Cinema and Television University.
